Theta Chapter

Wilmington, North Carolina

Region IV

The North Carolina State Organization

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Marilyn Grinwis Gray Scholarship application now available!

Gray Scholarships, $3,000 each, are available to individuals currently enrolled in Music Education or Elementary Education degree programs at a recognized college or university in North Carolina. Application is due March 10, 2025.

January's Wine Down Wednesday on a Cold Afternoon

Theta members braved the cold weather temperatures to meet at the Coquina Fishbar and share personal and classroom updates.  Theta members continue to support and encourage fellow educators at this monthly get together with personal and professional conversations.  

Please join us in February-no invitation necessary!

Theta Members Support New Hanover County Schools Beginning Teachers

At the monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Schools' beginning teachers on October 10, 2024, Theta members provided snacks and shared information about our $500 Educator Grants and Marilyn Gray Scholarship for Elementary Education and Music Education educators.  Nakita Thomas, Theta's Second Vice President, along with members Drew Pate, Gretchen Simmons, Kimberly Stokes, Liz Day and Elizabeth Miars, represented Theta Chapter.  BT Graham Radford won the door prize of a potted mum.

Beginning Teacher Graham Radford is presented the door prize by Liz Day and Nakita Thomas.

Theta Chapter provided snacks for the NHCS Beginning Teacher meeting.

Gretchen Simmons, Kimberly Stokes, Nakita Thomas, and Liz Day represented Theta Chapter.  Missing from picture: Drew Pate and Elizabeth Miars.

Winners of the 2024 $500 Educator Grants 

(Now available to Teachers in Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender Counties)

Nan Gadek, Topsail Middle School accepts check from Liz Day, Scholarship Committee Chair

Laura Black, Rocky Point Elementary School, is presented check by Liz Day

Caitlyn Bachman,Topsail High School receives check from Liz Day

David Hatcher, 

Jessie Mae Monroe Elementary School, along with Principal Terressa Gause Hill, accepts check from Sylvia Quinn, Scholarship Committee member

September Meeting Honors Working Educators

Our September meeting provided the opportunity to recognize 2021-2023 Chapter President Connie Marks, celebrate the start of a new school year for our working educators and learn about new activities that will encourage growth in membership.  Judy Busick, 2023-2025 Chapter President, conducted her first meeting of the new biennium.  Connie Marks was presented roses to recognize her work as our president for the previous biennium.  Goody bags were given to working educators to celebrate a new school year.  

First Vice President Sylvia Quinn detailed new activities to encourage membership growth.  As an example, our first event-Wine Down Wednesday was held at a local restaurant in mid September where members were encouraged to bring prospective members to join our social gathering.  This event will again be held on October 16th at Coquina Fishbar in Mayfaire Center at 5 pm.  Our Christmas gathering will be December 16th at the Okami restaurant.

Nakita Thomas, Second Vice President, outlined community projects that will be supported by Theta Chapter for this year.  These projects include the New Hanover County Schools' First Year Beginning Teachers, Soaring As Eagles Ministry, supporting students in New Hanover County Title I schools, and NourishNC, providing food for insecure children in Pre-K through 5th grades.

After the business meeting, the retired members provided a delicious lunch and the opportunity to enjoy conversation with members.

Julia Jung displays her Back to School bag given to working educators.

Melanie Ivy & Kimberly Stokes catch up on summer events.

Working educators received Back to School bags.

Gretchen Simmons welcomes new member Tiffany Hansley-Jones to our September meeting.

Wine Down Wednesday

Our first social activity of the new biennium to encourage member recruitment was held at the Coquina Fishbar with  several prospective members participating in the conversation.   Our second Wine Down Wednesday will be at the same location on October 16th.

NC DKG delegates at the DKG convention in National Harbor

DKG International Convention 

in National Harbor MD in July 2024

Nakita Thomas and Elizabeth Miars represented Theta Chapter with the DKG convention at National Harbor MD in July, along with 32 NC DKG members.  DKG officers for the 2024-2025 biennium were installed and A Celebration of Life recognized deceased members in 17 countries.   Featured speakers were Margot Lee Shetterly, author of the book "Hidden Figures" and Andre Bradford, slam poet.  Dr. Angela Hill, NC DKG member, received her doctoral cords during a ceremony.  Delegates enjoyed playing Goosechase throughout the week, highlighting their DKG participation with photos on the Goosechase app.

Elizabeth Miars and Nakita Thomas represented Theta Chapter at the DKG convention.

Tammy Cullom awarded the NC Star of the Southeast by Hilda Parler, NC DKG President & Teresa Cowan,  DKG Southeast Regional Director.

Author of "Hidden Figures", recently released as a movie, Margot Lee Shetterly, offered a challenge for discovering those teachers who make a difference.

Teresa Cowan, NC delegate, receives gift for her service as the Southeast Regional Director 2022-2024.

May Meeting Highlights Educator Grants-Retirements-Convention 2024

Our May meeting at the Landfall Library began with presentations by the 2024 Educator Grant winners to showcase their project achievements.  Mary Paul Beall, LIz Day and Melanie Ivey were recognized for recent retirements from the public schools.  Judy Busick narrated a slideshow created by Sylvia Quinn highlighting the 2024 convention in Durham attended by 11 Theta members.  View slideshow at the bottom of the page.

Tiffany Hansley-Jones presents photography project.

Trevor Judy, Ashley Berdeau, Tiffany Hansley-Jones shared project results at our May meeting.

Trevor Judy discusses the use of video camera to share band concerts.

Mary Paul Beall, Liz Day and Melanie Ivey were recognized for their recent retirements from public education.


January Meeting Highlights Current Trends  in NC Public Education

Dee Snyder

Our January 27th meeting at the New Hanover County Arboretum featured two members of the NC DKG Educational Law & Policy Committee, Dr. Malinda Pennington and Dee Snyder, who provided insight into current political activities affecting public education in North Carolina.  As in previous years, our chapter invited members of Brunswick County chapter, Delta Iota, to join our meeting.  Three members of Delta Iota, including Regional Director Tammy Albright, were in attendance.  The 2024-2026 slate of officers were approved by members and will be installed at the March meeting.

Dr. Malinda Pennington

Support for Domestic Violence

Theta Chapter and Educational Excellence Committee member Nakita Thomas (R) is pictured presenting a check for $618 to Kaitlin Harrison, representing Domestic Violence Shelter & Services in Wilmington. Their mission is to “work towards the elimination of domestic violence and provide emergency and support services for survivors of domestic violence.” This represents the successful conclusion of one of Theta’s community projects for this fiscal year. 

Welcome to new member Phyllis Edgerton!

Phyllis joined our November meeting and has officially transferred to our chapter from Gamma Theta Chapter in Raleigh where she was inducted in 2014.  Phyllis served as her chapter secretary.  She retired from Wake County Schools in 2016.

 Pictures from our November Meeting Highlighting Classroom Technology

Connie Marks, Theta president, presents gift to NC DKG President Hilda Parlér, our guest speaker.

Judy Gardner explores virtual reality with Liz Day's assistance.

Phyllis Edgerton, transfer member from Gamma Theta, observes Hudson Prokop  maneuvering a drone.

Virginia Teachey tackles virtual reality for her first time.

Theta Welcomes Transfer Member Mary Kay Longo! 

Mary Kay Longo transferred to Theta Chapter from Alpha Nu Chapter in New York.  She is pictured with Elizabeth Miars who welcomed her to our May meeting.  Mary Kay shared information about her DKG experience in New York.  Mary Kay is a retired elementary school teacher who moved to North Carolina with her husband to be closer to her children.  She and her husband are avid golfers.  We look forward to her contributions to our chapter.

Theta and Beta Phi Past Presidents 

Founders Day Meeting Celebrated Member Achievements

The March 18, 2023 meeting at the Wrightsville Beach Recreation Center honored Theta founders and past presidents for Theta and Beta Phi chapters, celebrated member longevity and welcomed former members from both chapters to celebrate with us.  Attendees participated in a Jeopardy game created by Claire Bennett to test our knowledge of DKG past and present and other topics.  

Past Presidents were acknowledged with a rose bouquet and members with 25-45 years of service received pins to recognize their society commitment.  Committee reports highlighted activities such as our ongoing donations to the Harrelson Center, Beginning Teacher notes and gift bags and upcoming Theta yard sale to benefit our scholarship fund.  Liz Day announced that she will represent our chapter at the NC DKG Leadership Development Seminar at Camp Carraway later this month.  The luncheon following the meeting was an opportunity for fellowship among former and current Theta members.  

Dee Snyder, (center) NC DKG Educational Law & Policy Committee member, presented our program with assistance from Theta members Delane Mitchell (left) and Claire Bennett. 

Tammy Albright, NC DKG Region IV Director, attended our meeting along with fellow Delta Iota members, Betty Pittman and Katie Bennette.

DKG Southeast Regional Director Dr. Teresa Cowan (right) was joined by her sister Wynne Anderson, DKG member from Tennessee.

Claire Bennett and Judy Busick stand behind the display in memory of deceased member Sophie Floyd who was honored during the program.

NC DKG Convention 2024--Not looped.pptx
NC DKG Convention 2023


2022 BT Committee at Work
2022 NC DKG Convention Slideshow

Connect to  NC DKG & DKG International 


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